Nano Energy Transfer and Engineering (NETE) Laboratory

Our Lab is located at Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University.
We work at the intersection of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, applied physics, and material science.

Our mission:

The non-renewables required for electricity generations, involved transport and manufacturing processes reject large amounts of energy as low-grade waste heat. More precisely, according to the national energy consumption report, more than 60% of the current energy usages are typically rejected as thermal energy, which necessitates the thermal energy engineering without entailed substantial cost.  

In a narrower context, the outperformance of high-end industrial applications can be achieved by the transformation of the energy transfer properties, which are ultimately determined by microscopic transport properties of the energy-carrying quasi-particles such as phonons, electrons, polarons, excitons and polaritons. 

By employing optical spectroscopy and ultrafast electron microscopy, we systematically investigate transport phenomena of microscopic energy (thermal and electronic) carriers, to develop highly efficient novel energy materials and devices. Specifically, we seek to study thermal conduction in inorganic / organic materials, radiative cooling, and ultrafast photocarrier imaging.